Water is a scarce resource, threatened by droughts, floods, and pollution. How can we manage and govern water and sanitation wisely with stakeholders, addressing climate change challenges and building on technological innovation?
In the context of climate change and other threats, join us to learn how improvements in water resources management rise to the challenge of meeting all needs sustainably and protecting valuable water resources.
Together stronger – all systems are connected
We open with our symposium’s purpose. Experts, changemakers and decision-makers assemble to explore how connecting across boundaries and promoting systems leadership can help us achieve social justice and improved national systems.
W3.1 Broadening the definition of "resilience": approaches to WASH and climate systems strengthening
Time: 11:30
Location: Oceania Foyer, World Forum
“Resilience is the ability to mitigate, adapt to, and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner that reduces chronic vulnerability and facilitates inclusive growth”, according to USAID. Are resilience and systems strengthening the same? What are (climate) resilient WASH services? What role do research and evidence play?
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Dr. Aline Saraiva-Okello, Skat Foundation / USAID REAL-Water Research Program
Sean Furey, Skat Foundation
Katrina Charles, Oxford University
Annegien Tijssen, Deltares
Judith ter Maat, Deltares
Andrew Warren, Deltares
Lara Lambert, Water Mission
Dr. Lucien Damiba, WaterAid
Joseph Ampadu-Boakye, Safe Water Network
Dr. Lucy Stevens, Practical Action
Dr. Rachel Peletz, Aquaya Institute
Abilio Cuamba, SNV, UKAID
Lauren Cuscuna, Safe Water Network
W3.2 Amplifying voices: locally-led approaches to improve water management
Time: 13:45
Location: Oceania Foyer, World Forum
Local realities and voices need to be better reflected in water management policies and decision-making processes to improve the quality of planning and decision-making. This session will explore community and people-centred approaches to water resources and risk management.
Angela Bayona Valderrama, MUISKA / Leeds University
Lukas Bouman, Eawag
Marijn Clevers, Right2Grow
Aman Melad, Eawag
Sumiya Mim, Right2Grow
W3.3 Innovations in technology, tools and methods
Time: 15:30
Location: Amazon, World Forum
Enjoy a cascade of knowledge on water resource management from Malawian farmers, Rwandan rain collectors and “green infrastructure” in rural Cambodia. In this marketplace session, find out about innovations in technology, tools, and methods to secure water to the last mile.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Thokozani Kaitane, Water For People
Muthi Nhlema, BASEflow
Colin Andrews, Tiyeni
Clarence Sutharsan Sukunadas, World Vision
Davith Nong, World Vision
Ivan Palma, Water For People
Liza Rivera, Water For People
Strengthening all systems – building resilience with water, sanitation and hygiene
Our systems journey continues as we explore and promote the role of resilient national water and sanitation systems, and the change agenda required to deliver them. Explore how water and sanitation can galvanise the development of wider public services.
W3.4 Integrating climate resilience into WASH system strengthening approaches - climate marketplace
Time: 11:30
Location: Oceania Foyer, World Forum
Climate change and environmental degradation are increasingly impacting water, sanitation and hygiene service delivery. During this climate marketplace session, we will share 10 cases that strengthened and changed WASH systems to adapt to climate change. Together we will pinpoint promising innovations and approaches that can be scaled up to the wider WASH sector.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Adriaan Mels, VEI Dutch Operators
Geerte van der Meijden, Simavi
Dieneke van der Wijk, Simavi / WASH SDG Consortium
Mark Janssen-Lok, Dunea / WaterWorX Consortium
Anne Mshana, Arusha Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (AUWSA)
Mary Fulugence, Mwanza Urban Water and Sanitation Authority (MWAUWASA)
Ivar Abbas
Liza Rivera, Water For People
Sanya Anthony Mwara, Shinyanga Municipal Council
Durga Uprety, Plan, Nepal
Herie Ferdian, Plan, Indonesia
Alok Kumar Majumder, Simavi
Sharon Roose, SNV
W3.5 Water resources management data collection, visualisation and management for better water governance
Time: 13:45
Location: Central America, World Forum
Join us to explore cutting-edge ways in which data is being collected and visualised to aid sustainable water management. Through lightning talks and group discussions, we hope to inspire both audience and presenters to think creatively about how we gather and share data to drive positive change in WASH systems.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Hannah Ritchie, Cranfield University
Benjamin Filskov, Global Water Center
Stanley Okettayot Lobi, Water For People
Lauren Cuscuna, Safe Water Network
Jon Sheperd, frank water
Freya Scott, Arup / University Of Technology Sydney
W3.6 Poo is water resource management too
Time: 15:30
Location: Oceania Foyer, World Forum
Game shows, research and lived experiences will come together to prompt participants to consider the links between sanitation and water resources management. Participatory sessions will discuss how integrated interventions can be more inclusive and resilient, how we can have a more nuanced understanding of intersectionality and how different groups are impacted.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Herbert Nabaasa, Ministry of Health, Uganda
Martha Naigaga, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda
Claire Grisaffi, Water WISER
Sam Drabble, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
Sneha Santwana, Finish Society, India
Jamie Myers, Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
Ruhil Iyer, Sanitation Learning Hub, Institute of Development Studies
Taking action as systems leaders
We'll synthesise insights from the first two days, agree on actions and put you in the driving seat. With help from our Wisdom Council, you’ll take part in Action Assemblies and a final plenary to help define a post-event agenda while –hopefully – committing to your role in it.
W3.7 Scaling water source protection through nature-based solutions within landscapes
Time: 8:30
Location: King Willem Alexander, World Forum
Unlocking the potential of Source Water Protection is crucial for achieving SDG 6 and ensuring access to safe water. Join us to explore how we can overcome the challenges of complex water systems and balance the needs of agriculture, conservation, development, and water supply. Discover the innovative solutions that can help accelerate conservation of water sources and leave with actionable steps to affect systems change.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Fred Kihara, The Nature Conservancy
Colin Apse, The Nature Conservancy
Kelly Latham, Water For People
Andras Krolopp, The Nature Conservancy
Andres Cordova, CARE
Kareem Zabow, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Kate Harawa, Water For People
William Garde, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Lelle Hyluwa, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Marcos San Juan, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)