This theme explores both the systems requirements of providing safely managed water and sanitation services, as well as the system-wide effects of such service provision. It thereby looks at the process of transitioning towards more professionally managed services, and the enabling conditions for utilities and private operators to perform well. In addition it looks into city-wide sanitation and area-wide approaches for sanitation in rural areas.
The Sustainable Development Goals require us to provide safely managed water and sanitation services.
Contribute your systems thinking on the implications for providing such service levels.
Together stronger – all systems are connected
We open with our symposium’s purpose. Experts, changemakers and decision-makers assemble to explore how connecting across boundaries and promoting systems leadership can enable us to achieve social justice and improved national systems.
W1.1 The drive towards safely managed water supply: getting water on premises
Time: 11:30
Location: Yangtze 2, World Forum
The past few years have seen an acceleration in the provision of access to water on premises, moving away from public access points. This session explores the drivers and system requirements for the provision of water on premises, a key element of safely managed services.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Charles Yeboah, Safe Water Network
Stef Smits, IRC
Liza Rivera, Water For People
Robel Wamisho, World Vision
Anne Mshana, Arusha Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (AUWSA)
Mary Fulugence, Mwanza Urban Water and Sanitation Authority (MWAUWASA)
Robel Wamisho, World Vision
Kofi Asante, World Vision
Liza Rivera, Water For People
W1.2 Systemic requirements for monitoring and managing water quality
Time: 13:45
Location: Antarctica, World Forum
Come learn about the leverage points for achieving systemic change toward sustained water quality monitoring in rural areas. In this session, we will present diverse approaches used globally and their implementation challenges at the country level. The presented content will support a guided discussion on using systems thinking to assess the problem and map context-appropriate strategies for rural water safety.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Rick Johnston, World Health Organization (WHO)
Sara Marks, Eawag
Tom Slaymaker, UNICEF
Dr. Katrina Charles, Oxford University
Saskia Nowicki, Oxford University
Bal Mukunda Kunwar, Helvetas
Jackline Muturi, University of Nairobi
Sitai Uprety, Eawag
W1.3 Transition from community-based management: drivers and what this means for systems strengthening
Time: 15:30
Location: Yangtze 1, World Forum
Rural and small-town water supply is changing fast. Communities may no longer be able, or willing, to provide higher service levels that countries are striving for in policy. Join us to explore what drives this transition to alternative management models and what new challenges this poses for systems strengthening efforts.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Harold Lockwood, Aguaconsult
Jessy Samuyachi, World Vision
Marcelin Ndiaye, World Vision
Philip Oyamo, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
Iazalde Tayobe, WaterAid
Richard Carter, Richard Carter and Associates Ltd
Eng. Joseph Oriono Eyatu, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda
Vida Duti, IRC
Delia Sánchex Trancón, OECD
Strengthening all systems – building resilience with water, sanitation and hygiene
Our systems journey continues as we explore and promote the role of resilient national water and sanitation systems, and the change agenda required to deliver them. Explore how water and sanitation can galvanise the development of wider public services.
W1.5 Private operators of rural water supplies: drivers, experiences and supporting systems
Time: 11:30
Location: Antarctica, World Forum
This session will identify common challenges across entrepreneurial approaches to rural water service provision and discuss solutions and systemic requirements to their success. After a rapid introduction on the definition, scope, and boundaries of what constitutes “privately managed rural water services”, the moderators will invite panellists to reflect on 3 shared challenges linked to:
Financial viability
Optimum service provision area
Asset management.
Panellists will share their experience in relation to these challenges, as well as emerging solutions, and perspectives on systemic requirements for success.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Julia Boulenouar, Aguaconsult
Mikael Dupuis, UDUMA
Andrew Armstrongl, Uptime Global
Adam Harvey, Whave
Poonam Sewak, Safe Water Network
Iazalde Tayobe, WaterAid
Judith de Bruijne, Practica
Wieke de Vries, Project Maji
Romy Harkx, Amref Flying Doctors
Johannes Wagner, NEWAVE
M. Roshan, JanaJal
W1.4 Strengthening the enabling environment for improving utility performance
Time: 13:45
Location: Oceania Foyer, World Forum
Are you a utility seeking to connect with the ‘system’ in which you operate to optimally implement your performance improvement strategies? Are you supporting a utility in their process to develop and sustain services? Join us in this dialogue session to discover and develop venues of collaboration.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Stef Smits, IRC
Siemen Veenstra, VEI Dutch Operators
Brenda Bouwer, VEI Dutch Operators
Jeanne Cole, WaterAid
Anne Mshana, Arusha Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (AUWSA)
Mary Fulugence, Mwanza Urban Water and Sanitation Authority (MWAUWASA)
Marieke Adank, IRC
Joel Kolker, World Bank
Kitka Goyol, UNICEF Ethiopia
W1.6 Local systems for citywide sanitation
Time: 15:30
Location: Antarctica, World Forum
This session explores citywide sanitation service delivery models to better understand how the Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) approach brings stakeholders together in different countries towards system thinking. Participants will be shown that each part of the service chain requires tailored models for a complete system.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Paul Hutchings, University of Leeds
Betelhem Gebeyehu Hailegiorgis, IRC
Christopher Kanyago, Water For People
Yvonne Lugali, Water For People
Digbijoy Dey, IRC
Dr. Mekala Sneha Latha, Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI)
Kitka Goyol, UNICEF Ethiopia
Barbara Evans, University of Leeds
W1.7 Small but not forgotten: sneak preview of WHO's new guidelines for small drinking-water supplies
Time: 15:30
Location: Central America, World Forum
Be the first to see and discuss the recommendations and tools from WHO’s newest Guidelines for drinking-water quality. This Guidelines publication has been tailored to the challenges and opportunities presented by small drinking-water supplies, addressing risk-based regulation, management and surveillance of these important supplies.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Sean Furey, Skat Foundation
Kerstin Danert, Ask for Water GmbH
Jennifer De France, World Health Organization (WHO)
Dr. Katrina Charles, Oxford University
Sara Marks, Eawag
Sarahi Morales, Aguas de Marcala
Clarissa Brocklehurst, IRC
Dr. Brian Guma, Albert Water Management Zone, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda
Stef Smits, IRC
Taking action as systems leaders
We'll synthesise insights from the first two days, agree on actions and put you in the driving seat. With help from our Wisdom Council, you’ll take part in Action Assemblies and a final plenary to help define a post-event agenda while –hopefully – committing to your role in it.
W1.8 How regulators can enhance the delivery of onsite sanitation services
Time: 8:30
Location: Amazon, World Forum
Many regulatory actors have recently taken substantial steps to regulate onsite sanitation service provision. This interactive session presents the status of regulation for onsite sanitation services and gives you the opportunity to hear from regulatory actors across the global south regarding best practice interventions and their impact.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Bill Twyman, Aquaconsult
Analia Saker Stanig, Aquaconsult
Yvonne Magawa, ESAWAS
W1.9 An area-wide approach for programming rural sanitation
Time: 8:30
Location: Antarctica, World Forum
Rural sanitation programming at scale has been done but keeps leaving people behind. This session will discuss how area-wide, universal safely managed sanitation requires a multi-stakeholder, multi-intervention ecosystem approach and will focus on systems strengthening, gender equality and social inclusion, and finance and market-based sanitation, with examples from Tanzania and Rwanda.
Organisers, contributors and presenters
Morris Israel and Carolien van der Voorden, USAID WASHPaLS 2 Project
Valentin Post, FINISH Mondial
Fidèle Nteziyaremye, Water For People