All systems do connect, and many failures arise from not understanding this and failing to act together. Our deep-rooted problems demand fresh thinking and new ways of working: connecting systems and services beyond silos and across sectors. Without extending our boundaries and networks of change to ensure wider decision makers, experts, and activists are championing WASH, we will fail to achieve SDG6 and many of the Global Goals.

Despite having shared goals, WASH and global health activities operate largely independent of one another, with separate strategies, policies, budgets and programmes. CONNECT Health aims to bridge this false divide and champion shared solutions that contribute to better health outcomes.

Although water, sanitation and hygiene often feature high on national political agendas, there is a massive gap between the required costs and financial commitments. CONNECT Finance explores how various actors can work together to implement strategies to reduce the finance gap both in incremental ways, but also with new ways of thinking.